Connected through Hockey
Club Roles
Ensuring regular committee meetings are held throughout the year
Ensure fair and democratic discussion and voting at all meetings
Chair club committee meetings and AGMs
Support club officers in fulfilling their responsibilities
Officially represent the club and its views in association meetings and discussions
Mediate in any internal club dispute, or inter-club dispute
Ensure the club is run under its rules and constitution
Co-ordinate all activities of the club
Assist team coaches/managers with selection of teams
Assist President in his/her duties
Act as President in situations where the President is unable to act
Fulfil any other duties as delegated by the President
Maintain club records, databases, membership details, and documents
Receive club correspondence and distribute as required in consultation with the President and Vice-President
Ensure an agenda and previous minutes are available to all committee members for all meetings
Record all minutes of meetings, and distribute to the committee in a timely fashion
Assist President to prepare regular club newsletters
Fulfil any other duties as delegated by the President
Be responsible for the financial control of all club finances, including bank accounts and cash
Ensure that accurate records are kept of all club financial transactions
Prepare regular financial statements for committee meetings
Assist in preparing an annual budget with the President
Maintain the club cheque book, and pay all accounts as necessary
Committee Member
Attend committee meetings
Act as conduits of information to club members
Fulfil any duties as delegated by the President
Uniform Co-ordinator
Distribute and receive uniform items
Maintain an accurate record of all uniforms
Repair/replace uniform as required
Communication Co-ordinator
Maintain club website with accurate information
Distribute email correspondence to club members as directed by the Executive Committee
Umpire Co-ordinator
Manage roster of umpires as required
Equipment Co-ordinator
Distribute and receive equipment items to teams
Maintain an accurate record of all equipment
Repair/replace equipment as required
Social Event Co-ordinator
Manage organisation of club social activities, including the Annual Awards Evening, via the Social Committee
Gain approval for all expenses from Executive Committee
Pass all monies raised to Treasurer
Club Captain
Set a good example and promote the club to its members and general public
Foster a positive club spirit by engaging with members of the club
Promote club activities to club members and the general public
Assist in selection of teams as required
Mediate in club disputes as required by the President
Conduit of ideas and information to the committee from the members